

I think it's time to dedicate a post to people I think are amazing, talented, I look up to, etc...


1. Mikayla.
How I came to know her? I went to school with the dear for three years! And finally fourth quarter we met at a thingy!
What I admire? OK. Everything! She is a talented photographer, have you seen her blog?, and the way she curls her hair {I could die..}

2. My Mom! (this really should be the very very very first one :])
She is the coolest person ever! I went to the driving range with her today and she didn't freak out on me once :]

3. Julie Harman. Six words.
Inspiration to the soul. Amazing photography.
She is working on this amazing TEENS INSPIRE TEENS program. She is truley magnificant. She is also a proffesional photographer! She works on movie sets and is very creative :]
You can check her website out for photography here {Highstyle Photo}

4. My Uncle Kirk Duncan
He is a body language expert and a FANTASTIC TRAINER. He owns his own bussiness called 3 Key Elements. He has taught me about the way people think and their body language :]

Well thanks everyone for reading :]


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Due my fruitin' unworkable comment section contact me or comment this way! :] I would love to hear what ya have to say! :]
bestloved-blog@hotmail.com :] Thanks yall!

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